Nature and craftsmanship are two sources that nourish the human soul, ignite creativity, and revive aesthetic senses. These elements, each enchanting in their own right, create true harmony and beauty when combined. These captivating elements were my sources of inspiration.

I wanted the design to be unique and distinctive. It was crucial to me that each newly made coffee table, console table, lamp, and floor lamp be different, personalized, and have various textures. Craftsmanship is significant because it involves creativity with expertly crafted materials and details. Each piece shaped by hand carries the artisan's unique touch, perfectly aligning with my design philosophy. The blown glass legs and ceramic tops were given new life, inspired by nature.

By revealing the beauty inherent in these two different materials and showcasing the unique skills of human hands, each product became distinct. Craftsmanship appeals not only to the eye but also touches our lives through our senses. Therefore, it was essential for my designed products to be crafted by artisans.

In conclusion, nature and craftsmanship are two complementary forces. Craftsmanship inspired by nature feeds human creativity, while craftsmanship undertakes the mission of preserving and celebrating nature's beauty. This union leads to aesthetically harmonious and beautifully crafted works, shaped by the feeling of unity with nature.

Inspired by this, we created coffee tables, console tables, lamps, and floor lamps, which are the pieces of furniture we spend the most time with. They are special places where happiness, sorrow, troubles, and laughter meet with tears within our homes. These seemingly ordinary furniture pieces are actually symbols reflecting all the complexity and diversity of life.

For this reason, all the products we design carry the name "Tear Collection." Each piece, unique and personalized, is designed with inspiration from nature and crafted by artisans to add meaning and beauty to our lives.
